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Results for "keyword: "women's spirituality""
Jean-Siméon Chardin's A Lady Taking Tea A simple scene depicting how a modest and lovely moment can refresh us.
Leaving My Father's House A startling work of psychological insight.
Woman Spirit Ways women can find wholeness and healing through an immersion in the natural world.
What's inside a person that really counted What's inside a person that really counted
Voices of the Sacred Feminine An independent scholar and social-justice activist advances the cause of the Sacred Feminine.
The Way of Mary 14 devotions on The Way of Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Women of Sufism Reveals the depth and the breadth of spiritual riches within this capacious tradition.
A Prayer to Honor American Nuns In an article in The New York Times, columnist Nicholas Kristof reported on Pope Benedict's reprimand and criticism of American nuns and the organization that represents 80% of them. The Vatican lam…
The Joy of Family Traditions Jennifer Trainer Thompson on commemorating a daughter's transition into womanhood.
Excluding women from reading and understanding the texts Excluding women from reading and understanding the texts